Monday, October 25, 2010

At SCNA: Part 2

This is the second post in a multi-part series.  The conference covered two days, with many presentations, lightning talks, and conversations about software craftsmanship.

Lightning talks
The one that stood out most for me was by a group of developers from Boston.  They talked about their software craftsmanship meet-up group.  Interesting because it intersects somewhat with my plans for adding a craftsmanship group at my workplace. 
Take-away: (in their opinion) it doesn't matter how big the group is, and smaller is better.

Apprenticeship panel
The concept of apprenticeship is really taking off in software development shops.  This was a group of "apprentices" describing their experience.

My take-aways:
  • Apprenticeship is very effective, and lasts somewhere between 6-12 months.
  • You need an understanding customer, since the apprentice must work side-by-side with masters on a client site.
  Randori with the stars
A laugh fest.  It was done in Code Dojo (by my definition) format using Ruby and Rspec.  I followed along for a while, but they didn't know what they wanted to do.  Uncle Bob rubbed an English guy's head.

My take-aways:
  •  Don't run my Randori's like this.
Lean vs Corporate
Ken Auer talked about his entrepreneur clients, and how they need a real value proposition.  
My take-aways:
  • If/when I return to consulting, my customers really won't like to part with their money.  
  • Giving them what they need is a good thing - don't build a Mercedes for someone who needs a Yugo.